Baby Development In Womb 13 Weeks Pregnant

The second trimester welcomes you.

This is the 2nd phase of motherhood. It is also called the 2nd Trimester.

Let’s take you through Week-13.

Baby’s growth:

Your pregnancy in the 2nd trimester has the placenta developed, which is providing the baby with nutrients, oxygen, and waste clearance.

The placenta generates estrogen and progesterone hormones, which assist in maintaining your pregnancy. This week your baby’s face shall appear more human now.

As already discussed the eyelids have merged together for the protection of the baby’s eye as it develops.

Though the sucking muscles have not developed completely, your baby might be in a position to have the thumb in the mouth.

You must be wishing to experience this when you bring your newborn baby home.

The probability of establishing your baby’s sex is thereby a close watch of the genitals. But approximately in the sixteenth week, it may be guessed through ultrasound.

Movement of the intestines much into your baby’s body takes place. Now bile secretion takes place from the liver and production of insulin by the pancreas also starts.

Mother’s changes:

This phase is pleasant and comfortable during your pregnancy. You will experience and feel that majority of the previous symptoms have gone or shortly would be over.

Even your tummy gets some relief. Still, if you feel tired, please take adequate rest. You may experience abdominal uncomforting because of the stretching of your uterus.

The ligament holding your uterus stretches to provide accommodation to the increasing uterus.

During your prenatal meetings, your health contributor most likely had given you some prescribed prenatal vitamins.

Consumption of these supplements even after a healthy diet, guarantees your baby is getting more minerals and vitamins, which is very much required for your baby’s improvement and growth.

Furthermore, make sure you don’t forget to ask whether those should be consumed with beverages or with food.

Father’s role:

You can celebrate as the 1st trimester is over and the following few months of mom’s pregnancy would be quite easy.

As the settlement of the hormones has taken place, mom is now experiencing much comfort and is much relaxed.

The week’s inspiration:

Good parenthood.

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