37 Weeks Pregnant

What’s happening this week? How is my baby developing?

Congratulations! At 37 weeks pregnant your baby is full-term and would not need any help if he was born today! Of course, he may decide to stay in your womb until 42 weeks pregnant!!

Your baby’s lanugo and vernix are being replaced by short fine hairs called “vellus” hairs, giving him a “peach fuzz” feel.

Your baby may have some hair or he may not, this is extremely variable. From now onwards, the level of amniotic fluid begins to decrease. Your baby measures, on average, 48-50cm and weighs almost 3 kg.

How is my body changing?

At 37 weeks pregnant your baby can be born any time from now until 42 weeks pregnant. Make sure you have your car seat fitted in the car, as you’re not allowed to leave the hospital if you haven’t a car seat.

You also need to look out for signs that labour is imminent. These include a bloody show, diarrhoea and regular contractions about 20-30 minutes apart, and may start a few days before labour actually begins.

If your waters break, it’s time to call the doctor as your baby is more at risk of infections now. This is not likely to be a gush of water, but a gentle trickle or watery discharge.

If you’re having problems sleeping at night, as your tummy gets in the way and you probably have to get up three or four times to go to the toilet, try to get as much rest during the day as possible.

By 37 weeks pregnant, you may have gained between 30 and 35 pounds so far.

Discuss your birth plan with your healthcare provider

At 37 weeks pregnant, you’re wishing your baby would decide to get out now! Be sure to discuss your birth plan with your healthcare provider.

This is a list of your expectations during delivery to ensure that the staff at the hospital know exactly what you want.

  • What type of pain relief you want
  • If you want to listen to music during labour
  • If you want a warm bath before or during labour
  • What positions you prefer
  • Who’s going to be present in the room
  • If you’re going to breastfeed or bottle feed

Remember that these may have to be changed at the last minute, if your baby is in distress and you need a c-section of any other form of emergency treatment.

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