17 Weeks Pregnant
What’s happening this week?
You’re now 17 weeks pregnant. Did you know that your baby can now hear your voice? Find out other important developments this week.
How is my baby developing?
At 17 weeks pregnant, your baby is very active, kicking and punching, flipping, stretching, and curling arms and legs. If this is your second pregnancy, you may be able to start feeling your baby now.
First-time mums need to wait a few more weeks. A very interesting development at 17 weeks pregnant is that your baby can hear sounds outside the womb.
Start talking to your baby now, so that he gets used to the sound of your voice. In the meantime, your baby’s skeleton continues to ossify, which means changing from cartilage to bone; and sweat glands are forming.
At 17 weeks pregnant, your baby measures around 14 cm and weighs up to 140 grams. At this stage, the umbilical cord still grows stronger and thicker.
How is my body changing?
You’re having 17 weeks pregnant symptoms, and your weight gain so far is between seven and ten pounds. You only have 15 to 20 pound to gain until the end of the pregnancy, at a rate of 1-2 pounds a week.
Make sure you opt for a healthy diet and moderate exercise. Your uterus is also taking a more egg-shaped form and, as it expands into the abdomen, it pushes your internal organs upward.
This may cause a shift in your center of gravity and you may feel a little off balance.
Other symptoms to get used to this week include swelling, in particular hands and wrists, and feet and ankles; dry eyes; increased vaginal discharge, and even Braxton Hicks contractions in preparation for birth.
Avoid stress and rest
At 17 weeks pregnant, is very important that you avoid any stress. You may be feeling worried about changes with the new baby, go fanatical about cleaning your house or have a stressful job.
The problem is that some studies have linked stress with complications during pregnancy and premature babies, as stress induce the release of certain hormones that activate contractions.
Make sure you take plenty of rest and do some gently regular exercise. Why not try yoga during pregnancy or meditation? Or maybe just go for a long walk outside?