13 Weeks Pregnant

What’s happening this week?

You’re now 13 weeks pregnant, marking the beginning of the second trimester. Your baby can now smile… find out what else your baby can do.

How is my baby developing?

Your baby at 13 weeks pregnant continues a phase of intensive growth and he looks more human now. Both eyes and ears move to their final positions and twenty milk teeth are now formed.

Your baby can smile and vocal cords are also developing. His head is still large compared to the rest of his body, but soon this will disappear as arms and legs are lengthening.

At 13 weeks pregnant, the liver starts to produce bile, the pancreas is secreting insulin and the intestines are producing the baby’s first stool, the meconium.

Given that your baby doesn’t have any fat, his skin is still transparent, but in weeks to come, fat layers are deposited under the skin, and you won’t be able to see through anymore.

At 13 weeks pregnant, your baby weighs 13-20 grams and is approximately 2.5-3 inches long (about the size of a nectarine).

13 weeks pregnant symptoms; How is my body changing?

At 13 weeks pregnant, you are now entering the second trimester in your pregnancy. Also, with the early symptoms disappearing and your tummy still not getting in your way, you probably feel a lot more energy.

Most women would say this is the most comfortable period in the pregnancy. As you feel better, you’ll get your appetite back and may even start having cravings.

Just remember you need to maintain a healthy diet with only 300 extra calories.

In terms of weight gain so far, it should only be about 5-6 lbs, but from now on, you’ll probably gain 1-2 lbs weekly.

At 13 weeks pregnant, with your uterus growing and expanding, you may feel some discomfort or shortness of breath. This is normal and should disappear within a few minutes, and wearing loose clothes will help.

If you have some bleeding or heart palpitations as well, contact your doctor immediately.

You may also experience tender gums, which may bleed when you brush your teeth. Just maintain good oral hygiene to prevent gum disease.

Is it safe to continue to work?

If you work, you may start thinking about whether it is safe to continue. For most women, it’s fine to work provided you can make adjustments if needed.

For example, you shouldn’t stand for long periods, carry heavy items, work for very long hours, or handle chemicals.

Also, if you’re feeling particularly tired, take a day off to rest. Make sure you don’t do anything to injure your unborn baby.

13 weeks pregnant

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