26 Weeks Pregnant

What’s happening this week? How is my baby developing?

You’re 26 weeks pregnant, and you may be able to hear your baby’s heart with a traditional stethoscope on your stomach. Don’t worry if you can’t though, as it’s not possible to do this with every pregnancy.

Your baby is also busy forming neural pathways inside the ears, which will improve his hearing and help recognize different sounds, including your voice.

Improving every day, your baby is now capable of coordinated movements, such as sucking his thumb or even toe! Your baby will also be trying different positions, and you should feel him move around a lot.

If you’re having a boy, typically this week, his testicles start going down into the scrotum.

Your baby is also increasing steadily in weight up until birth. Right now your baby weighs 800 grams and measures 35 cm from head to toe.

How is my body changing?

By 26 weeks pregnant, your uterus should be roughly 6-7 cm above your navel and will continue to expand about 1 cm every week. As you get bigger with your baby, you may start getting more uncomfortable.

Common symptoms include lower back pain, headaches, leg cramps, and swollen feet and ankles. You can alleviate these by eating a balanced diet and taking some mild exercise. You may feel stabbing or sharp pain under your ribs as your baby moves.

Usually, these don’t last long and a change of position help to alleviate the pain. A symptom that may need medical attention is a rise in your blood pressure. A rapid increase accompanied by pain, swelling, and blurry vision may be a sign of pre-eclampsia.

This condition is more common in the third trimester but it is important to be aware. At 26 weeks pregnant, you probably gained 15-25 pounds. Your weight fluctuates a lot during the day, so try not to weigh yourself too much, as this may get you disappointed.

Thyroid problems during pregnancy

If you have thyroid problems, this can sometimes complicate your pregnancy and should be followed by a doctor.

Hypothyroidism or under-active thyroid increases the risk for miscarriage, preeclampsia and premature babies.

Also, babies may have low birth weight or learning difficulties. If you suffer from this condition, speak to your doctor to decide the best treatment route.

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