What To Look For When Buying An Umbrella Stroller
The Umbrella stroller is distinctively light in terms of weight and also very compact.
It is the most widespread stroller used by parents due to its versatility, small size and light weight, thus making it perfect for a trip downtown, riding in a crowded bus, inside a car, or for just a short stroll.
The fact that it is so easy to fold and takes so little space means that it can be taken virtually anywhere: while shopping at the market, in a mall, going to the doctor and even when flying on a plane it can be placed in the overhead compartment.
What to Look for When Buying an Umbrella Stroller
- Standard safety options: the umbrella stroller must have a five-point harness, with a safe buckle, rear brakes on both wheels (one-touch brakes come as a bonus on some of the models), and a well fitted canopy .
- Features: it should be compact, foldable with only one hand, lightweight (between 8 and 15 pounds, but the fully equipped models might be a bit heavier).
The carry handle and the shoulder strap should be included the total package.
- Stability: although reputed for its lightweight, the umbrella stroller is rather prone to slide and even tip over backwards.
Therefore, before you decide on a model, you should test it by hanging a bag on the stroller’s back handle and by adding some weight in it, in order to see if it eventually tips over, which may prove that the model has stability issues.
- A canopy: even though its size may vary, most umbrella strollers have one.
For a more effective use, it should be adjustable and removable, in order to lessen the weight when you wish to remove it. It should also be made of UV-protective fabric.
- Reclining possibilities: unless you are planning to make only short trips, both babies and toddlers will require a nap.
Therefore, the umbrella stroller seat should recline as much as possible in order to offer the small infants a comfy position.
Things to Consider Before Making a Choice
- The size of your trunk and closet – No matter where you live, in the suburbs or in the center of a fast moving city, the stroller you are about to buy has to be stored and transported.
You have to measure the trunk of your vehicle as well as your closet and to make sure that it fits properly in these spaces.
- Your own strength – Especially the mothers have to know how much weight they can lift comfortably on several occasions every day.
Those living in the city have to be able to lift at least 17 pounds or even more in one hand, while carrying the infant in the other hand while getting on and off a bus, in the car or climbing and descending the stairs.
- The number of years the stroller is expected to be used – You have to be aware of the weight capacity of the umbrella stroller, because they also point out to the moment when the parents can start to use it.
Some of the strollers require a car seat or bassinet in order to accommodate the child, which means that it can be used when the infant is approximately 3 to 6 months of age.
If your infant is rather tall and heavy, you should search for a greater weight capacity, in order to make sure that the stroller is not outgrown before the child reaches the age of 2-3 years.
- Frequency of use – If you are planning to use the umbrella stroller on a day to day basis, keep in mind that it has to have comfort features, such as a good padded seat and reclining options.
- The environment – It plays an important part, because some strollers work better on a smooth terrain, whereas others are designed to walk over gravel, snow, dust, rocks grass and even bumps in the road.
If most of the walks will be on challenging terrain, settle for a sturdy stroller, with wheels made of hard rubber or foam, that can be locked.
If, on the other hand, you will be going with your child to run errands, choose a compact umbrella stroller, with a narrow wheel base, that can be easily maneuvered in shops, on the sidewalks and in the park.
Hopefully, after reading all the buying tips listed above, you are now able to make a well informed decision in purchasing an umbrella stroller.